Oh happy days! Moog Music has restarted production of the System 55, System 35, and Model 15.
34 years after production ceased in 1981 Moog Music will produce and make commercially available what are arguably the modular synths by which all the modern ones are judged. They set the bar over 40 years ago when they stared selling these, and truth be told they are still holding it.
Once the shock of news has worn off — hurry and go call Moog because they are only making 55 of the System 55 ($35,000), 35 of the System 35 ($22,000) and 150 of the System 15 ($10,000). And yes you read right, those are the prices. So if you want to get your Keith Emerson on, give your local organ back a ring — maybe they are in need of kidneys.