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Diy Synth Choices — The Final Three

I love analog synthesisers. I’ve always have. In fact one of the main reasons Vox Robot started was as a good excuse to build, tinker, and play with a few of the little beasties. As luck would have it analog synthesizers are having a bit of a renaissance. Is ridiculous to think that we have at least an order of magnitude more choice in absolutely every facet of building a big modular than the hip kids of the 60 and 70’s. Continue reading Diy Synth Choices — The Final Three

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BMW e46 Plumbing – Convertible Drain Holes

Have you ever opened the trunk of you e46 convertible and found a wet and musty mess; you might have assume that the trunk seal was somehow involved. I did, and I was very, very wrong. After months of bailing my car like a row-boat, and much detective work — I stumbled on the culprit entirely by accident: Continue reading BMW e46 Plumbing – Convertible Drain Holes

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The one that got away. Sequential Circuits Prophet 5


One great regret – of the many – is the Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 that I never bought in 1986 as it sat collecting dust at Music Magic. I let it get away.

Yes, the Prophet 5 is indeed a legend. The list of its users is a who’s who of musical heavy hitters. Continue reading The one that got away. Sequential Circuits Prophet 5