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An Arp Odyssey — New in original box.

An Arp Odyssey – New in original box. Until very recently the only place you could have read this headline is eBay. And in the very unlikely event that you have come across such a listing, one would be expected to pay 9 million dollars and your first male heir. However now a small company from Japan has decided that is a good idea to have another go at it.

Continue reading An Arp Odyssey — New in original box.

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BMW e46 Plumbing – Convertible Drain Holes

Have you ever opened the trunk of you e46 convertible and found a wet and musty mess; you might have assume that the trunk seal was somehow involved. I did, and I was very, very wrong. After months of bailing my car like a row-boat, and much detective work — I stumbled on the culprit entirely by accident: Continue reading BMW e46 Plumbing – Convertible Drain Holes

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How I Learned to Trust Again with My Clarisonic

I waited and watched. Watched and waited. The price slipped from about $250, edging closer to $200. I allowed the sales women at Macy’s to show me how smooth their skin was, allowing them to scrub the back of my hand while they purred over the benefits of buying a $250 scrub brush. I checked the reviews online, and pored over the questions. Was there someone my age that still dealt with pimples due to a youthful but oily visage? Continue reading How I Learned to Trust Again with My Clarisonic